Thursday 27 September 2018

Halloween .... Mixed Media Canvas.

I love Halloween, and love to make halloweeny things lol
after searching all over the place online for things to play with, i was particularly looking for skulls, skeleton's that sort of thing ! ....and not finding them i turned to the trusted and neglected  high street and low and behold there they were and at a fraction of the price, 
i am happy to pay for the items i am wanting and very happy to support the independent trader (and had tried them first without success) i even tried the big guys HC without success there either, 
but i did find what i was looking for .... as in some glow in the dark plastic skeletons that are meant to make a bunting....not any more and a skull and bones necklace, now taken apart....
they are just perfect.

 the glow skeleton has been painted, he just needs some shading to make him fit the part, the skulls are just perfect as they are, so last night was prep night with paste and stencils and gathering other bandages, "oh what have you done" , nothing just want it for a project he he!!

so watch this space to see what i can  turn them into tonight.

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