Wednesday 13 February 2019

Elephant Canvas-Mixed Media

After a bit of a dry January on the crafting front, i have been crocheting but not a lot else, 
Yaaaaay my mojo returned and i have several projects on the go does that happen, i will just make this...then suddenly oh this, and this and this !!!!!
but never mind, i'm not complaining !

Elephant Canvas
i am a very floral crafter, love to make flowers and use them in my crafting but i also like to add other bits and pieces in there too....the elephant i found in my Mum's crafty stash (which i have had the massive task of sorting through since we lost her 2 years ago) i knew i wanted to use it somewhere and i have, it was a necklace but i'm sure she didn't intend on it being used in that way, that wasn't my mum lol

so some old paint brushes (i always forget to clean my brushes properly so end up with loads that are unusable for what they were intended lol

the flowers, cogs, leaves etc have been gathered from all over, mainly metal but some are resin.
i have gesso'd the base of the canvas and added some texture using more gesso and a stencil.
some pearl beads and glass glitter mixed with paste to add some more texture.

all gesso'd black then went in with the paint brushes and other embellishments, applied using a paste to glue, glue guns are not so good for this as they will come off in time, be patient and use a paste to attach!

then it was lots of fun with paints and waxes, 
just keep going until you are happy with your result.....i am....oh and lastly a bit of splatter ti finish.

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