Monday, 25 February 2013


Beaded Needle Case
other colours available

Where: Scout hut Old dalby, Melton mowbray, Leicestershire
When: Saturday 20th April 2013
How much: £42.50 for a full days class, to include all materials and tuition

This class is taking place as part of our usual 2 day scout hut craft event which takes place twice a year, (we also have monthly 1 day events)

the scout hut crafters are a group of people who get together to craft, we have lots of different crafts going on each month from quilting, knitting, crochet, beading,card making, scrapbooking....anything goes, you bring yourself and your project and craft the day away with like minded people.

if you would like to come along to the class or just to have a crafty day/weekend, or if you would like info on any of our other craft days, the next one being sunday February the 24th please get in touch for more info

Monday, 11 February 2013

Ok so this Beading lark......

Isnt going quite to plan.....i am meant to be making this....

 and i have this so far............

 and one of the petals i have taken to bits about 4 times, i just dont seam to be getting it, it starts off quite well but then just goes to pot, a bit more practice me thinks

Thursday, 7 February 2013


Had a fab time last night at WI, we had Tom the chocolate man in from Hannahs  in Quorn, he made it look so easy, and talked us through how to play with chocolate and showed us how simple it was to come up with this gorgeous egg, i'm sure its much harder than it looked.